Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): August, 2024

19 author's countries are coming from Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkiye, Russian & United State. The first article, Implementation of Religious and Cultural Tourism Development Policies in Penyengat Island, by Raja Suhaila and Raja Hamidah Teja Baijuri, explores the strategic implementation of tourism policies aimed at enhancing religious and cultural tourism on Penyengat Island. The study emphasizes the importance of policy frameworks in preserving cultural heritage while promoting tourism. The second article, The Creative Economy for Sustainable Tourism in the Post-Mining Era in Pangkalpinang City, authored by Windy Shelia, Fitria Gusti Estresia, and Wawan Irawan, examines the transition of Pangkalpinang City from a mining-centered economy to one that leverages creative industries for sustainable tourism. The authors discuss the potential of creative economies to drive tourism growth in post-industrial contexts. The third article Evaluating the Potential and Development of Mount Telomoyo as a Sustainable Tourism Attraction in Central Java by Isti Winarni, Lakna Tulas Un, and Ahmed Shbair, provides an in-depth assessment of Mount Telomoyo's potential as a sustainable tourism destination. The authors evaluate environmental, cultural, and economic factors that could contribute to the mountain's tourism appeal. The fourth article Potential for Eco-Enzyme Development as Entrepreneurship in River Ecotourism and Mangrove Conservation written by Dika Putra Wijaya and Nur Laila explores the innovative approach of integrating eco-enzyme production within river ecotourism and mangrove conservation initiatives. The study highlights the entrepreneurial opportunities arising from sustainable practices in these ecotourism sectors. In the fifth article, Evaluation of the Existing Conditions of Lasiana Beach Tourism Destinations and Ecosystems, Kupang City, Jefirstson Richset Riwu Kore, Fellyanus Haba Ora, Moniche Aletha Saubaki, and Herison Richset Riwu Kore analyze the current state of Lasiana Beach, focusing on the environmental and infrastructural challenges that impact its tourism potential. The authors propose strategies for improving the sustainability and attractiveness of this coastal destination. The final article, The Role of Media in Attracting Tourist Interest in Pampang Village by Sri Ayu Rayhaniah, Dhyki Dermawan, Mayang Wulan, Ade Mardiah, and Qorinul Karim, discusses the influence of media in promoting Pampang Village as a cultural tourism destination. The study examines how various media platforms can enhance tourist interest and contribute to the village's tourism development efforts.