About the Journal

Journal Title : Indonesian Tourism Journal
Initial : ITJ
Frequency : 3 issues per year (May, August, November)
DOI prefix : 10.69812/itj    
Print ISSN : 3048-278X
Online ISSN on progress
Editor in Chief : Mahadiansar
Managing Editor : Nurain Saputri
Publisher : CV. Austronesia Akademika
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar
Index :  SINTA 3 on Progress 2026
Website : https://journal.austrodemika.org/index.php/itj
Email : [email protected]

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Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): May 2024
					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): May 2024

17 author's countries are coming from Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia, Australia & United Kingdom. The journal features Seven articles that explore various aspects of tourism development in Indonesia. The first article, "Hexahelix Collaboration in Developing Halal Tourism in Indonesia," discusses the importance of collaboration between stakeholders in developing halal tourism in Indonesia. The authors highlight the potential of halal tourism to attract more foreign tourists to the country. The second article, "Interpolation of Local Potential Parameters in Allocating Village Fund Formulation as an Effort to Development of Local-Based Tourism," examines the allocation of village funds to develop local-based tourism in Indonesia. The author suggests that the interpolation of local potential parameters can help identify the most suitable areas for tourism development. The third article, "Collaboration of Multi-Stakeholder in Integrated Aid Model for Creative MSMEs in the Tourism Sector," focuses on the role of multi-stakeholder collaboration in supporting creative micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the tourism sector. The authors highlight the importance of integrated aid models in promoting sustainable tourism development. The fourth article, "The Interconnection between Technology and Economic through Tourism Sectors," explores the relationship between technology and economic growth through tourism development. The authors suggest that technology can play a significant role in promoting tourism development and improving economic outcomes. The fifth article, "Building City Branding of Yogyakarta as a Cultural City: A YouTube User-Generated Content Analysis," examines the city branding of Yogyakarta as a cultural city. The authors analyze YouTube user-generated content to identify the strengths and weaknesses of Yogyakarta's city branding and provide recommendations for improvement. The Six article, "Salatiga Cassava Tourism Development Strategy," presents a strategy for developing cassava tourism in Salatiga, Indonesia. The author suggests that cassava tourism can be a unique and attractive tourist destination in Indonesia. The final article, "SWOT and PETS analysis in tourism management in Bintan Regency," a SWOT analysis and PETS analysis, tourism  management in Bintan Regency can identify opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses, positive factors, external factors, tactical factors, and strategic factors that can help inform their decision-making and strategy development.

Published: 18-06-2024
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