Focus and Scope

Focus & Scope of the Indonesia Tourism Journal by CV. Austronesia Akademika includes various aspects related to tourism in Indonesia. The journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, academics, and practitioners to publish and share their knowledge, insights, and studies on various topics related to the tourism industry in Indonesia. The journal covers a wide range of topics including but not limited to:

  1. Tourism planning and development: This includes studies on destination planning, development strategies, and policy-making related to tourism in Indonesia.
  2. Tourism marketing and promotion: The journal welcomes studies on branding, marketing techniques, and promotional strategies to attract domestic and international tourists to Indonesia.
  3. Cultural and heritage tourism: This includes research on the preservation, promotion, and management of cultural and heritage assets in Indonesia to develop sustainable tourism practices.
  4. Sustainable tourism: The journal encourages studies that focus on sustainable tourism practices, including environmental conservation, community involvement, and economic benefits for local communities.
  5. Tourism impacts: This includes studies on the social, cultural, economic, and environmental impacts of tourism in Indonesia, both positive and negative.
  6. Tourism policy and governance: The journal welcomes research on tourism policies, regulations, and governance structures at the national, regional, and local levels in Indonesia.
  7. Tourism education and training: This includes studies on tourism education programs, training initiatives, and capacity building efforts in Indonesia.
  8. Tourism and technology: The journal encourages studies on the role of technology in enhancing tourism experiences, such as digital marketing, online booking systems, and mobile applications.
  9. Tourism innovation and entrepreneurship: This includes research on innovative tourism products, services, and business models in Indonesia.
  10. Tourism trends and future outlook: The journal welcomes studies that provide insights into the latest trends, emerging issues, and future directions of tourism in Indonesia.

The Indonesia Tourism Journal aims to contribute to the body of knowledge on tourism in Indonesia and promote sustainable and responsible tourism practices in the country. By publishing high-quality research papers, the journal aims to provide valuable insights and recommendations for policymakers, industry professionals, tourism organizations, and academics involved in tourism research and practice in Indonesia.