Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): November, 2024

16 authors from Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia & China contributed to a series of studies that explore various dimensions of tourism development, including sustainable practices, cultural preservation, innovative marketing, and community empowerment. The first article, Power of Local Culture in Regional Tourism Capital Development by Riyono Gede Trisoko, Risna Yanti, and Rahma Putri Andita, examines the critical role of local culture in strengthening tourism capital and fostering regional economic growth. The second article, Implementation of Tourism Village Management Policies Based on Edward III's Theory in Bintan Regency to Achieve Sustainable Tourism by Yeni Yusnita and Raudah Zahra Annabila, highlights the importance of sustainable policy frameworks in ensuring the long-term success of tourism villages in Bintan Regency. In the third article, Designing an Innovative SEO Marketing Plan to Promote Indonesian Tourism Using AI-Driven Tool, Asep Koswara and Siti Marpuah explore the potential of AI-driven SEO tools to enhance the global visibility of Indonesian tourism. The fourth article, Remarkable Journey on Sustainable Tourism Destinations; Case Study on Bintan Resort’s Award Winning on Sustainable Tourism Destination by Eva Amalia and Arina Lutfini Lubis, provides insights into the strategies that helped Bintan Resort achieve recognition as a leading sustainable tourism destination. The fifth article, Branding Strategy for the Tourism Attraction Potential of Pura Pengelukatan Tirta Sudamala Wanagiri Buleleng, authored by Ni Komang Deviana, Misri Misri, I Putu Aditya Prawira Putra, Putu Gede Wirananda Manggala Putra, and Hawita Sapitri, discusses the implementation of effective branding strategies to highlight the cultural and spiritual allure of Pura Pengelukatan Tirta Sudamala Wanagiri in Buleleng. Lastly, the sixth article, Strategy Management for Community Empowerment in the Ekang Anculai Tourism Village by Fitri Kurnianingsih and Lia Muliawaty, explores community empowerment strategies in Ekang Anculai Tourism Village, emphasizing the significance of local involvement in achieving sustainable tourism development.