About the Journal


Journal Title : Journal of Policy Nusantara
Initial : JPN
Frequency : 3 issues per year (May, August, November)
DOI prefix : 10.69812/jpn    
Print ISSN : on progress
Online ISSN : on progress
Editor in Chief : Mahadiansar
Managing Editor : Riska Ananda
Publisher : CV. Austronesia Akademika
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar
Index : -
Websites : https://journal.austrodemika.org/index.php/jgs
Email : [email protected]

Journal of Policy Nusantara is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and case studies on various aspects of public policy in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The journal aims to provide a platform for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to share their knowledge and insights on policy issues related to economic development, governance, education, healthcare, environment, and other areas that impact the lives of people in the region. With a focus on interdisciplinary approaches, the journal welcomes submissions from various fields such as economics, politics, sociology, anthropology, and environmental studies. The journal's scope includes policy analysis, policy evaluation, policy innovation, and policy implementation, as well as conceptual and theoretical contributions to the field of public policy. By publishing high-quality research and analysis, the Journal of Policy Nusantara seeks to inform and influence policy debates and decision-making processes at local, national, and regional levels

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