
Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): November, 2024
					View Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): November, 2024

15 Author's based in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia & Thailand. The paper The Penta-Helix Approach in Implementing the Policy of Revitalizing Traditional Markets in Tanjungpinang City by Yudithia Yudithia, Eiad Yafi, and Muhammad Shahid Khan explores a collaborative model involving government, business, community, academia, and media in revitalizing traditional markets, showcasing the effectiveness of multi-stakeholder partnerships. In Internal Stakeholder Analysis of Policy the Department of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection in Bintan Regency by Defitriyani Defitriyani presents a detailed analysis of how internal stakeholders within local government institutions can influence policy outcomes in the realm of women's empowerment and child protection. The article Implementation of Child-Friendly City Program Policy by Department Women and Children Empowerment Service Pekanbaru by Muhammad Syukri and Panca Satyo Prihatin assesses the application of child-friendly policies at the city level, focusing on program implementation and local government actions to improve child welfare. Meanwhile, SWOT Analysis of Indonesian Public Health Policy Using PCA Method by Revina Aprili Ghina Imani, Nadifa Permata Sari, and Sri Pingit Wulandari offers a quantitative analysis of SWOT to public health policies in Indonesia, applying advanced statistical methods to understand key health determinants. In Trend Research Analysis Pantang Larang (Prohibitions or Taboos) in Moral Learning in Children in Malay Society by Muhammad Yusuf HM, Saifullizam Bin Puteh, and Siti Marpuah explore the role of traditional taboos and cultural practices in shaping moral education for children in Malay society in trend publication by scopus, providing insights into the intersection of culture and ethics. Finally, Government Performance Evaluation: Case Study in the Cultural Service of Kepulauan Riau Province by Yoli Ananda, Wayne Elric, and Riski Rusnadi evaluates the performance of local cultural policies, offering a case study of governmental efforts in preserving and promoting cultural heritage.

Published: 2024-11-30
View All Issues
Journal Title : Journal Governance Society
Initial : JGS
Frequency : 3 issues per year (May, August, November)
DOI prefix : 10.69812/jgs    
Print ISSN : 3064-2329
Online ISSN : 3064-2337
Editor in Chief : Mahadiansar
Managing Editor : Aspariyana
Publisher : CV. Austronesia Akademika
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar
Index : Garuda
Websites :
Email : [email protected]

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