Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): August, 2024

24 author's countries are coming from Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt, Australia & Turkey. The article "Collaborative Supervision of Direct Cash Transfer-Village Fund in Tuban Regency" by Denny Iswanto and colleagues delves into the effectiveness of collaborative approaches in managing direct cash transfers, highlighting the importance of community engagement. In "Comparison of the Strategic Plans of the Ministry of Education and Culture and Universitas Brawijaya Based on Theoretical Frameworks," Lestari Eko Wahyudi and co-authors conduct an analysis comparing strategic objectives, showing how educational institutions align with national priorities. Suhartono Winoto et al.'s paper, "Implementation of Thematic Bureaucratic Reform: Level of Understanding and Realization in Local Government," investigates the understanding and implementation of bureaucratic reforms at the local government level, emphasizing the challenges faced by public officials. Similarly, "Relevance of Presidential Neutrality to archieve Good Governance in Indonesia: A Comparative Study of Joko Widodo's First and Second Regimes" by Nanda Vico Saeful Hakim and Hui Xian Koh offers insights into how presidential actions and policies impact governance and management practices. The issue also contains studies on corporate dynamics, with "Firm Performance and Financial Distress: The Moderation Role of Board Gender Diversity" by Devi Wahyu Utami and her team examining how gender diversity in leadership impacts financial outcomes for firms. Lastly, "Government Strategy to Increase the Productivity of MSMEs in Bumi Aji Village, Batu City" by Cicilia Evie Dawantara and colleagues provides a thorough analysis of government initiatives aimed at boosting the productivity of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), an essential sector in the Indonesian economy.