Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): December, 2024
					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): December, 2024

10 authors from various universities in Indonesia. The first article, Menyama Braya Image of Hindu and Islamic Acculturation in Budakeling Village, by I Dewa Gede Yoga, Aris Arif Mundayat, Yuyun Sunesti, This article discusses "menyama braya", a concept of acculturation and tolerance between Hindu and Muslim communities in Budakeling Village, Bali. This study highlights how harmonious social interactions are formed and maintain peace between religious communities in Bali. The second article, The Impact of Social Protection Policies in Indonesia Post-Covid-19 Pandemic, written by Muhammad Syuzairi, discusses the impact of social protection policies in Indonesia post-COVID-19 pandemic. These policies include social assistance, subsidies, and economic stimulus aimed at increasing income, access to health, and quality of life for the community, as well as helping vulnerable communities become more independent. The third article, The Relationship between Peer Social Support and Subjective Well-being in Street Children by Nirmala Yunita Halim, Suroso, Isrida Yul Arifiana, examines the relationship between social support from peers and subjective well-being in street children. This study emphasizes the importance of social support from peers in improving the psychological well-being of street children. The fourth article, Use of Technology to Prevent Illegal Fishing: A Case Study Perspective in the Natuna Sea by Geby Gita, Wan Jesica Febrianty, examines the role of technology in preventing illegal fishing in the Natuna Sea, Indonesia. The study concludes that the application of this technology is effective in improving fisheries surveillance, but its success depends on resource capacity, inter-agency coordination, a strong legal framework, and political support. In the fifth article, The Influence of Social Media on Political Participation in the Digital Era, Teguh Supriyanto analyzes the influence of social media on political participation in the digital era, especially in Indonesia. This study suggests the need for an inclusive and effective strategy for political participation in the digital era that maximizes the positive impacts of social media while addressing its challenges.

Published: 2024-12-31
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Journal Title : International Journal of Social and Political Sciences
Initial : IJSPS
Frequency : 4 issues per year (March, June, September, December)
DOI prefix : 10.69812/ijsps
Print ISSN : On Process
Online ISSN : On Process
Editor in Chief : Agus Rio
Managing Editor : Riska Ananda
Publisher : CV. Austronesia Akademika
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar
Index : -
Websites :
Email : [email protected]

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