Focus and Scope

The focus and scope of the Sociology Indonesian Journal center on the exploration and analysis of sociological issues and phenomena within the Indonesian context. The journal aims to contribute to the development of sociological knowledge, theories, and practices that are relevant to the local Indonesian context.

The journal welcomes submissions from researchers, academics, and practitioners, both within Indonesia and internationally, who are interested in understanding social dynamics and changes in Indonesian society. The scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:

1. Social stratification and inequality
2. Social institutions and organizations
3. Social movements and activism
4. Culture and identity
5. Social change and development
6. Gender and sexuality
7. Education and socialization
8. Political sociology
9. Urbanization and rural development
10. Migration and transnationalism

The Sociology Indonesian Journal encourages interdisciplinary approaches and the use of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The journal publishes original research articles, literature reviews, and critical commentaries that contribute to the advancement of sociological knowledge and understanding in the Indonesian context.

The target audience of the journal includes sociology researchers and scholars, policymakers, and practitioners who are interested in the social dynamics and complexities in Indonesia. By publishing high-quality research in the field of sociology, the journal aims to foster critical thinking, dialogue, and collaboration in the study of Indonesian society.