Use of Technology to Prevent Illegal Fishing: A Case Study Perspective in the Natuna Sea
Vessel Monitoring System, Fishing Business, Protection, DevelopmentAbstract
This study discusses the role of technology in preventing illegal fishing (IUU fishing) in Indonesia's Natuna Sea. The Natuna Sea has a large marine area and is prone to violations such as illegal fishing, illegal vessels, and unauthorized exploration of natural resources. To protect Indonesia's sovereignty, security, and economic rights, the government needs effective technology to monitor fishing. Vessel Monitoring Systems are technologies used to monitor the activities of fishing vessels and detect violations. Other technologies used include Humanless Underwater Sensor Technology (HUST), remote sensing technology, and automatic identification system (AIS). These are also used to increase the effectiveness of surveillance. This paper focuses on the role of technology in preventing illegal fishing and provides solutions to improve fisheries monitoring in the Natuna Sea.
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