Connection Between Support Social Friend Peers with Subjective Well-Being in Street Children
Support Social, Subjective Well- BeingAbstract
Study This research was conducted for determine the relationship between Peer Social Support and Subjective Well-Being in Street Children. This research uses method quantitative with use method correlational. The sample in the study was 100 participants with the criteria being street children aged 12-18 years. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses Spearman Rho analysis . Measurement of subjective well-being data uses the scale proposed by Dienner. Measuring social support data uses the scale proposed by Sarafino. The results of Spearman Rho's analysis show that there is a relationship between social support from peers and subjective well-being, getting a score of 0.797 with a significance of 0.000, which means there is a significant relationship between social support. Friend peer with subjective well-being . It means, the more The higher the social support received, the higher the subjective well-being of street children, so that the research hypothesis "there is a positive relationship between social support from peers and subjective well-being" can be accepted.
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