Impact of Social Protection Policy in Indonesia Post Covid-19 Pandemic
Impact, Social Protection, Post Covid-19Abstract
Social protection policy is one of the Government's efforts to ease the burden on communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This policy includes providing social assistance, subsidies, and economic stimulus. Analysis of the impact of social protection policies in Indonesia post-COVID-19 is essential to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of these policies. This analysis can also be used to provide better policy recommendations in the future. The research method uses descriptive qualitative with a post-positivism approach, which is a paradigm that emphasizes objectivity and rationality in research in analysing the impact of social protection policies in post-COVID-19 Indonesia. The research results show that these social protection programs' effects include increasing people's income, improving nutrition, increasing access to health services, and improving quality of life. Apart from that, these programs have also helped poor and vulnerable communities to become more independent and empowered. However, there are still several challenges in implementing social protection programs in Indonesia. These challenges include limited budgets, lack of coordination between programs, and low levels of community participation. To overcome these challenges, the Government needs to make various efforts, including increasing the budget for social protection programs, strengthening coordination between programs, and increasing community participation
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